Spinomesencephalic Pain
So, my brother sent me a link to a site that does DNS for free. I was really quite impressed. In less than a day the ICANN servers are pointing to my server and my DNS is resolving. I am quite happy.
Here is a cool little factoid that I learned yesterday. The somatosensory (body sensory) pathways to the brain have 3 neurons that are involved. If a lesion were to occur that would block the spinomesencephalic tract, a patient would be unable to show emotion (such as crying) in the event of a painful stimulus. Suppose, that the spinomesencephalic tract were functional, but the cingulate gyrus in the cerebral cortex had a lesion, then the patient would could feel emotion (such as rage, or crying) in response to a nociceptive (pain) stimulus, but would be unaware of the problem. This means the patient would cry and wouldn’t know it. Really interesting stuff!
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